Martin Raske - HR is about humans in the first place
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Development - What else?Life provides so many amazing opportunities for us to learn and develop. If we remain openminded, we will see them. And grab the chance to grow.
Developing people in the long run, therefore is best done by "exposure and coaching". I have always loved to see how people strive with this approach. Sometimes, though, a more structured way forward is required. Especially if topics need to be instructed that might not trigger an intrinsic interest. In these situations the 4-T concept has proven to be successful: Teasing - Teaching - Training - Testing. This might sound pretty traditional, I agree. But our brain likes to learn this way. Let's discuss what your thoughts are around development - I am looking forward to hearing from you. Digitalization - Future Ways of WorkingMany people think:
With digitalization the human aspect of work becomes less important. The contrary is true. With more and more machines entering into our (working) lives, we are asked to focus on what it is that makes us human. Leading in a dynamic, volatile, complex world requires to focus on some key competencies that are described in the framework "Future Skills for Leadership", developed by Flow Consulting:
Value-based Negotiation?I have had many negotiations in my life. And what I found is, that if I stay true to my own values, the outcome of the negotiation is usually good - not just for me but for all sides.
It is a difference if you go into a negotiation with the clear intention to win or if you want to find a solution that is good for all involved parties. The funny thing is: If the parties enter their negotiation with the goal to win and make the other side loose - chances are that there will be one side with bad feelings at the end. If you find a solution, though, that respects all involved parties, everybody wins. One might think that this approach is nothing for tough negotiators. That's not true. It is the bigger challenge to apply value-based negotiation. And when people around me tell me that they have learned a lot from my way of negotiating, then I am happy. I am interested to hear your thoughts. I am looking forward to hearing from you. |
(c) Martin Raske, 2023